Startup Application System in New Employee Recruitment Using Pieces Method (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service)


Firdaus Situmorang
Jonson Manurung


The startup application system for recruiting new employees is a web-based information system. Making this startup application system is a tool and makes it easier for job seekers to find job vacancies that are currently needed by a company, both private companies, and state-owned companies. In completing this new employee recruitment startup application system using the PIECES method. PIECES method is a method that uses six evaluation variables, namely Performance, Information / Data, Economic, Control / Security, Efficiency, and Service. This method is used to evaluate the various stages in the delivery of information on job vacancies, company registration, and job seeker registration. The results of the analysis are usually statements that assess their benefits. By using the PIECES method, it is hoped that it can help organizational companies in promoting job vacancies and looking for job candidates as well as making it easier for job seekers to find the latest job vacancies according to their field of expertise.


How to Cite
Situmorang, F., & Jonson Manurung. (2020). Startup Application System in New Employee Recruitment Using Pieces Method (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service). Login : Jurnal Teknologi Komputer, 14(2), 162-169. Retrieved from


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