Decision Support System for Determining Diaconia Scholarships for Congregations at The GBI House of Sacrifice Church using SAW Method


Lorena Ade Yolanda Sembiring
Bosker Sinaga


The purpose of this study was to determine how effective the Simple Additive Weigthing method is in the Scholarship Awarding Decision Support System at the GBI House of Sacrifice, and to assist the Diakonia sector in determining scholarship acceptance at the GBI House Of Sacrifice Church based on the web using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The problem in this research is how to apply the Simple Additive Weigthing method in the Scholarship Decision Support System at the GBI House of Sacrifice, how to build a Diakonia Scholarship Decision Support System for Congregations in the GBI House Of Sacrifice Church based on web using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, and how much Effective application of the Simple Additive Weighting method in determining scholarships to congregations at the GBI House Of Sacrifice. The research methodology used in this research is literature study, observation, and the design method used is the waterfall method. The application of the Simple Adaptive Weigthing method in the Scholarship Awarding Decision Support System at the GBI House of Sacrifice can assist the selection of the congregation of prospective scholarship recipients so that based on the calculation of the SAW method it can be seen that the congregation who received the scholarship. The results of this study can provide information on prospective scholarship recipients based on predetermined criteria and the calculation results of the SAW method, and the application of SAW in the selection of prospective scholarship recipients can help the GBI House of Sacrifice to avoid mistakes in determining scholarship recipients.


How to Cite
Sembiring, L. A. Y., & Bosker Sinaga. (2020). Decision Support System for Determining Diaconia Scholarships for Congregations at The GBI House of Sacrifice Church using SAW Method. Login : Jurnal Teknologi Komputer, 14(2), 223-234. Retrieved from


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