Decision Support Systems in Determining the Product Marketing Strategy of PT. Universal Gloves with Multi-Objective Optimization Method On The Basic Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA)


Erlifta Cresensia
R. Mahdalena Simanjorang


Multi-Objective Optimization based on Ratio Analysis or often referred to as the MOORA method is a method that is often used as a decision-making method that uses optimization techniques to solve complex problems that have many criteria or multi-criteria. The MOORA method can separate various factors by separating the subjective part of the factors into several decision-making attributes by forming a decision matrix. The decision matrix will be normalized and optimized for each criterion to produce a preference value that can be used as a decision making. In this study, decision making was carried out using the MOORA method on the right product marketing strategy based on various existing criteria to determine the strategy that the company will implement in marketing its products so that the company has a competitive advantage to win the market from competitors. The results of the analysis show that the differentiation strategy has a higher preference value, namely 53.243164 and the cost leadership strategy with a value of 48.123638, and the market segmentation strategies with a value of 46.540075.


How to Cite
Cresensia, E., & R. Mahdalena Simanjorang. (2020). Decision Support Systems in Determining the Product Marketing Strategy of PT. Universal Gloves with Multi-Objective Optimization Method On The Basic Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA). Login : Jurnal Teknologi Komputer, 14(2), 183-189. Retrieved from


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