Retraction and Correction policies

SEAN Institute takes its duty very seriously for all end-users to uphold the quality and completeness of the academic record of our content. Changes to papers can only be made after they have been published online under the conditions described below. SEAN Institute places great emphasis on the legitimacy of the papers after their publication and our policy is based on this in the scholarly writing group on best practice. An Erratum is a declaration by the original paper's authors that briefly explains any correction(s) arising from errors or omissions. Remember any impact on the paper's conclusions.
The corrected article is not deleted from the online newspaper but the erratum warning is given. The Erratum is made available to all users free of charge, and is connected to the corrected article. A Retraction is a note that the article is not to be considered part of the scientific literature. Retractions are given when there is strong proof that the results are inaccurate, this may be due to fraud or honest error; if the results have already been reported elsewhere without sufficient reference, permission or justification; where the study is plagiarized; or when the study contains unethical research. The retracted article is not withdrawn from the online journal to preserve the reputation of the paper, however notice of retraction is given, is made available freely to all readers, and is linked to the retracted document. Retractions may be released by the authors when significant scientific errors have been discovered; in other cases, the editors or publisher may decide that retraction is necessary. The retraction shows the reason for the action in both cases, and who is responsible for the decision. If a retraction is made without the writers' mutual approval, it is noted that too. The Publisher can redact or delete an article in rare and extreme cases involving legal infringement. To maintain the credibility of the scientific record, bibliographic material will be maintained on the paper. A Publisher's Note notifies readers following publication that an article has been corrected. It is provided by the Publisher and is used in situations where typographic or production errors (which are the Publisher 's fault) affect the credibility of the metadata of the article (such as title, author list or byline) or the ability of the readers to understand the article would significantly impact.

The original article is deleted, and a revised version is replaced. Publisher 's Comments are accessible to all readers. Minor errors which do not affect the metadata integrity or the ability of a reader to interpret an document, and which do not require a factual error or omission, will be corrected at the Publisher's discretion. In such a scenario the original article will be deleted and replaced with a version that has been revised. The updated article should mention the date the correction is made. Writers should also be aware that an original article can only be deleted and replaced less than one year after the date of original publication with a revised edition. Only a Publisher's Notice will record corrections to an article which has a date of publication that is older than one year. Even the following guidelines can be helpful: COPE Retracting Papers Guidelines