Expert System Diagnosing Diseases in Rubber Plants using the Dempster-Shafer Method


Apriyan Dwi Handoko Tarigan
R. Mahdalena Simanjorang


Rubber plants are one of the supports for the national economy in general for the Indonesian population, but rubber plants experience many diseases that cause the quality of rubber to decline, which has an impact on the selling price of rubber, so we need an expert system that can help the community to diagnose diseases as initial treatment in controlling disease in rubber plants, namely the expert system, using the Dempster-Shafer method, which aims to find out the diseases experienced by rubber plants easily without having to manually diagnose. The results show how the process of calculating the initial combination rule to the last combination rule is based on the selected symptoms, it can be concluded that the highest density value is P6 Moldy Rot with a density value of 0.907 x 100% = 90.7% = 91%.


How to Cite
Tarigan, A. D. H., & Simanjorang, R. M. (2021). Expert System Diagnosing Diseases in Rubber Plants using the Dempster-Shafer Method. Login : Jurnal Teknologi Komputer, 15(1), 25-32. Retrieved from


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