Application of Decision Support System for Infant Nutrition Women using Weighted Product on Health


Eva Darnila


Pregnant women must understand and practice a healthy, nutritionally balanced lifestyle as an effort to maintain good nutrition. This is very necessary so that the fetus in the womb gets adequate nutrition so that it can avoid miscarriage, abortion, congenital defects, and low birth weight of the fetus. Selection of nutritional intake can be done with information about the mother's nutrition during pregnancy which can be processed and presented with a decision support system so that we can find out the effect on the baby that is born, that way, it is easy to determine the best nutrition that the mother should consume so that can give birth to a healthy baby. Research on maternal nutrition for infants used the weighted product method, with 5 criteria consisting of vegetables, fruits, meat / fish, nuts and milk. The research data were obtained from the results of filling out the questionnaire to 50 respondents with 48 pregnant women and 2 breastfeeding mothers at the Puskesmas Muara Dua Lhokseumawe, the questionnaire data was calculated manually by giving weight to each point so that the total amount of nutrition obtained by each respondent was obtained. the accuracy obtained is 18% and an error of 82%. The data concluded that only 18% of pregnant women had informed that the nutritional intake was good enough, while the remaining 82% had not informed the results of the nutrition intake properly.


How to Cite
Darnila, E., Fajriana, & Ulvityatni. (2020). Application of Decision Support System for Infant Nutrition Women using Weighted Product on Health. Login : Jurnal Teknologi Komputer, 14(1), 25-31. Retrieved from


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